Apartments Mesdames Adelaide and Victoire, Palace of Versailles.
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Large cabinet of Madame Adelaide, Versailles.
Table Grand cabinet of Madame Victoire, Versailles.
Louis XV's Portrait by Rigaud, first antechamber of the Dauphine, Versailles.
Portrait of Louis XV in the waiting room of the Dauphine, Versailles.
Council of Ministers (table), Versailles.
Statue of a faun with cymbals, called Mazarin faun, Versailles.
Portrait in the apartments of Ladies, Versailles.
Detail on door moldings, Versailles.
Marie-Louise-Thèrèse-Victoire de France, called Madame Victoire, Versailles.
Basin swan, Versailles.
Furniture and mirror, Large Cabinet of Madame Adelaide, Versailles.
Cabinet Secretary in Grand Madame Adelaide.